Tag: barbie

Barbie: Mermaid Power (2022)

Have you ever wanted Avatar: The Last Airbender but with fish? What about with musical numbers? No? Oops.

Barbie: Epic Road Trip (2022)

The medium is the message… And in this case, I wish the medium let me use the fast forward button.

Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams (2021)

Twice the Barbie, twice the fun! Unfortunately, that also means twice the mediocre songs. At least the cast is nice.

Barbie and Chelsea: The Lost Birthday (2021)

I don’t think I’ve ever been happier to see a movie is only an hour long. Unfortunately, this was one of the longest hours of my life.

Barbie: Princess Adventure (2020)

This movie is everything Princess and the Popstar wishes it was. At long last, we have another life swap story that’s actually good.

Barbie: Dolphin Magic (2017)

Barbie really isn’t beating the sapphic allegations in this movie. And you know what? Good for her. We love a bisexual queen.

Barbie: Video Game Hero (2017)

This movie calls itself Video Game Hero. I call it migraine bait. I think my title is much more accurate. At least it’s a warning.

Barbie and Her Sisters in A Puppy Chase (2016)

If you’re thinking about watching this movie, this is your sign not to. Please. Spend your seventy-five minutes doing literally anything else.

Barbie: Star Light Adventure (2016)

I never knew I needed a science fiction Barbie movie until now. I absolutely need this, and every other person alive does too.

Barbie: Spy Squad (2016)

This movie was so excruciatingly boring that I fell asleep the first time I watched it. I wish that was an exaggeration.

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